Rags-Wipers Supplier Australia

Rags-Wipers Supplier Australia

Rags-Wipers Supplier Australia

RAIS INDUSTRIES are major suppliers of cut rags and supply to the mining industry and also to the local mechanics down the road. The cleaning rag that we use is recycled, unwanted clothing. The unwanted clothes are sorted by material type, cut in accordance with RAIS INDUSTRIES quality standards and pressed in a hydraulic press to produce a neat and symmetrical slab. Finally, the slab is secured with a poly strap which not only seals the slab but acts as a carry handle for ease of handling. We can also pack this in clear plastic.
Our packs sizes are ranging from 5kg, 10kg, 15kg and 200kg . Rag grades vary from low budget Mixed Cotton then up to Coloured Cotton T/Shirt then Flannelette & Towelling.
If you were looking at general engineering, mechanical or mining the best value rag would be Mixed Cotton. If they were for Car detailing/cleaning/polishing it would be Coloured Cotton T/Shirt then Flannelette or Towelling.